var lang = { sessid: 'e1b0d7aa618b258eb50b7a66a4dbe56b', langCode: 'en', templatePath: '/bitrix/templates/foundico', passTooShort: 'Password length must be 8-16 characters', passDoNotMatch: 'Passwords do not match', textIsTooLong: 'Text is too long', textIsInvalid: 'Text length must be 5-50 characters', textIsInvalid2: 'Text length must be 2-50 characters', textIsInvalid3: 'Text length must be 2-20 characters', textIsInvalid4: 'Invalid value. Please, type a specific currency', invalidEmail: 'Invalid e-mail', signUp: 'Sign up', views: 'Views', clicks: 'Clicks', days: 'Days', forLastYear: 'For the last 6 months', forLastMonth: 'For the last 30 days', forLastWeek: 'For the last 7 days', employeeName: 'Name', employeeFirstName: 'First Name', employeeLastName: 'Last Name', employeeAbout: 'About (rank, skills etc)', employeeSocLinks: 'Social media links', employeePhoto: 'Photo (max. 1024Kb)', employeeAddLink: 'Add link', employeeContact: 'Link or contact', coinTooShort: 'Coin code length must be 2-10 characters', logoDoNotMatch: 'ICO logo must be uploaded', invalidFileExt: 'Invalid file format', invalidUrl: 'Invalid URL', invalidDesc: 'Text length must be 20-500 characters', invalidDateTime: 'Invalid date or time', invalidNumbers: 'Invalid numeric value', pleaseWait: 'Please, wait...', fillingDefreeInfo: 'The more information you specify about your ICO, the higher rises your card in ICO list', fillPercentage: 'FILL PERCENTAGE', restoring: 'Restore', reset: 'Reset password', invalidBTCAddressLength: 'Invalid BTC address length', invalidBTCAddress: 'Invalid BTC address signature', maximumItems: 'Maximum 10 items', chipReqField: 'This field is required', invalidContractAddress: 'Invalid contract address', savingProject: 'Saving project...', userExists: 'Such user exists', userNotFound: 'User not found', memberLogin: 'Login (email) at', employeePartic: 'Participation', employeeMember: 'Member', employeeAdvisor: 'Advisor', formAgreeCheck: 'You have to agree to our publishing policy before continuing', inputSelect: 'Select', textIncorrect: 'Text contains unallowed characters' }